Have You Checked Our Medical Policies?

Jan. 31, 2025

BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina is committed to using evidence-based data to establish medical necessity for medical treatments and interventions. 

While our medical policies are based on well-supported scientific data, please do not take our policies, along with any listed codes, as medical advice, or a guarantee of payment. Any codes in the policies are provided as general guidance. 

As you research our medical policies to determine possible coverage, please also consider that coverage is determined based on the member’s benefit plan. Each health plan determines how medical policies are applied. BlueCross makes an effort to have policies to address common situations, but there are some situations that may require further review.

For the most accurate information regarding the application of benefits and policies, we encourage you to contact Provider Services at the phone number listed on the back of the member’s identification card. You can also find benefit and policy details on My Insurance Manager.

If you have questions regarding medical policies, please contact your Provider Relations Consultant. View the latest territory map for their contact information.

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